Most prenatal supplements contain more folic acid and iron than you'll find in a standard multivitamin. It's important to get enough folic acid before conception and during early pregnancy. Folic acid greatly reduces your baby's risk of developing neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida. Ideally, you should start taking 400 micrograms of folic acid at least one month before becoming pregnant. Once your pregnancy is confirmed, up your daily dose to 600 mcg.
You also need to make sure you're getting enough iron. Your iron requirement increases significantly during pregnancy, especially during the second and third trimesters. But more is not necessarily better — taking too much of certain things can actually be harmful. Avoid megadoses of any vitamin, and don't take any additional supplements or herbal preparations without your caregiver's okay. Good prenatal care is essential for you and your baby.
Call your healthcare provider right away and schedule your first prenatal visit, During that visit you'll be screened for certain conditions that could lead to complications. VIDEO Inside pregnancy: Weeks 1 to 9 A 3D animated look at a baby in the first trimester of pregnancy. If you haven't yet chosen a provider, get started now. Finding the right person — whether you're looking for a doctor or a midwife — can take a while. In the meantime, let your current caregiver know if you're taking medication or have any medical concerns.
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